Tanvir Nilay's dream is to become a big YouTuber

YouTube .....
It goes without saying that there are almost no people unfamiliar with the name.
We all use YouTube to watch videos, but have you ever wondered what is the benefit to those who work hard to make videos on YouTube?
Of course not.
Many Bangladeshis are making success by making videos on YouTube today.
Bangladesh has been able to move forward in tandem with the developed countries of the world.

YouTube has started with a book dream
Tanvir Niloy is the son of our Kulaura.
The name of his channel is "Tanvir Niloy The Tuber" - I hope he will be able to reach his goal very soon.
Views 3k + in his video so far
His short film "End of Real Life" has received a lot of support from the audience.
I hope he can win the hearts of everyone with his work.

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