President Donald Trump has praised the high public support rate of Anthony Fawcett, the top infectious disease specialist in the United States. "No one likes me," he lamented.
Note that Fauchi is one of the members of Trump's Corona Virus Taskforce. He is one of the most trusted people in the United States government and many Americans sincerely follow his advice to protect themselves from infection. Trump, on the other hand, has been criticized for the way he has handled the epidemic. He risks losing to Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the November US presidential election.
He is struggling to improve his position among the voters. Most public health experts like to say that hydroxychloroquine should not be used to treat coronavirus. This is because the use of this drug can cause heart problems and other problems. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month revoked the drug's use in emergencies after several studies cast doubt on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of corona.
Even then, Trump said, he felt the drug worked in the ‘early stages’ of corona infection.
Trump claims that he and his administration should be commended for the way they deal with Corona, not just Fawcett or Debra Barks, another prominent member of the task force.
Trump said he's working with our administration and in most cases, we've done a lot more, he and others, Dr. Burks and others, they're nice, approve; And he got high public support. So why is there no high public support for me and the administration considering the virus? We should have a lot of high (public support). So it's interesting, one person worked for us and now everyone thinks about them and no one likes me. It could just be for my personality.
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