In Kamalganj, two persons were arrested with rice of "Food Friendly Program" during the RAB operation

On 30/4/2020, an operation led by ASP Md. Anwar Hossain and SSP A, KM Kamruzzaman, operations commander of CPC-2 (Srimangal Camp) RAB-9 in Kamalganj police station area, recovered rice from the food-friendly program and arrested two accused.

During the operation, 210 kg of rice, 2 invoice copies, 5 cheap price cards and 2 sales register master rolls were distributed among the poor from Inmailpur area under Kamalganj police station. Md. Abu Abdullah (5) and 5 others were arrested for stockpiling the food. Two people including his son Md. Azizur Rahman (28) were arrested. The arrested accused were later handed over to Kamalganj police station.

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